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who i am?

Hi! my name is Swapnil Chavan based in India (🇮🇳), I did a master’s in engineering 🎓 from Pune University 🏛 India in 2016, and I am a certified Azure-associate data scientist 💻. Overall, 7+ years of IT experience in developing and delivering projects in several technologies of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Python applications. Expertise in manipulating and analyzing complex, high-volume, high-dimensional data from varying data sources. Good knowledge of Healthcare (Pharma), Fintech, and Banking domains. I have worked with many companies around the world 🌍. Currently, I work as a Technical specialist at Birlasoft India 📊.

name Swapnil Sanjay Chavan
date of birth 17 jan 1992
nationality India
sscswapnil sscswapnil sscswapnil sscswapnil sscswapnil sscswapnil sscswapnil


ME engineering

Pune University, Pune
2013 - 2016

BE engineering

Pune University, Pune
2011 - 2013


Technical education
2007 - 2010


Maharashtra Board


Technical Specialist

Birlasoft (India)
2023 - Present

Senior Data Scientist

Aress Software (India)
2020 - 2022

Software Engineer and Data Analyst

Innovatus Technologies
2016 - 2020

Associate Professor

Pune University

I code Python. Because it is the shortest path from idea to production.

🦾 I want to became an artificial brain behind everything 🧠

🔭 I’m currently working on creating and managing Generative AI projects for Pharma Domain. Also working on MlOps and Azure/AWS cloud services for the Data Science projects (Generative AI).
🌱 I’m currently working on Large language Models + Kubernetes + Data science services on different cloud.
👯 I’m looking to collaboration on open source Saleforce automation product in Python.
🤔 I’m looking for help with advance deep neural network algorithms documentations.
💬 Ask me about anything related to python, R, SQL, Machine learning concepts and projects, Databrics, Docker, etc.
⚡ Fun fact: I watch study IQ and 2 Minute paper videos a lot...

My Skills

7 years Python, JavaScript, R, shell scripting
5 years Machine learning, Deep learning, Data science, AI, Generative AI
2 years PowerBI and Tableau
3 years AWS and Azure Cloud Services, AzureML Studio, Azure ML python SDK, Azure DevOps, Amazon sagemaker
2 years Docker, Kubernetes, Databricks, Pyspark
2 years mlops, CI/CD pipelines
4 years Git, Gitlab
3 years Databases (MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)


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Fintect Automation and ML Project (NxC Company)

Python, AWS DB, PowerBI, Artifiial Intelligence, NLP, PyTest
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NLP Engine for Unstructure Data (DxT Company)

Python, NLP, textract, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Keras, Spicy, Azure Cloud
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Facial recognition Engine

Python, Machine Learning, Image Processing, OpenCV, Tensorflow
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Chatbot for Agriculture Industry

Python, NLP, Flask, NLTK, Chatterbot
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Cloud Data migration and collection (CxS company)

Python, Pyodbc, Pandas, Database
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Data Management provider Data Straming (Open Datablend)

Python, Opendatablend, AWS, AZURE, GCP, Data streaming, boto3, request, frictionless
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Web Scraping Project (GSA, LinkedIN, Salesforce, etc.)

Python, mysql, Selenium, bs4, Requests etc.
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Credit card fraud detection

python, mysql, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, AWS

what customers are saying?

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Devin USA

We Remember you at our compamy.You’re really good at following up with the client so as to ensure that they are never left in the dark. Keep it up!

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You're really good at focusing on what customers need and require. You have a real instinct to understand our customers. Good work!

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Hrishikesh Deshmukh India

With Everyone's favorite Team Lead😍#BestTeamLead #GreatPerson #DA

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muhammad ali Australia

Always try to exhibit creativity and flexibility in solving customers’ problems and questions.You’re really good at obtaining first-hand customer information and using this information to improve our products and services. You should show the rest of us how you go about obtaining this information.

That's the thing i'm motivited

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4.1 (25)

my blogs

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Swapnil Chavan 21 Aug 2022
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DevOps Data Science
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Swapnil Chavan 21 Aug 2022
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Neuromorphic Computing
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Swapnil Chavan 21 Aug 2022
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Swapnil Chavan 21 Aug 2022
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Open Source
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Swapnil Chavan 21 Aug 2022
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Deep Learning
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Swapnil Chavan 21 Aug 2022
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AI ML Application Deployment
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Swapnil Chavan 21 Aug 2022